C4InterFlow - Architecture as Code Samples

This site provides a visualisation UI for the Diagrams generated by C4InterFlow based on Architecture as Code (AaC) expressed using C4InterFlow's AaC Domain Specific Language (DSL) either in C#, YAML or JSON.

To-Do App sample (from YAML AaC)

To-Do App sample contains Diagrams generated by C4InterFlow from Architecture as Code in YAML.

Architecture as Code (AaC)

To-Do App Sample - Container - C4

E-Shop sample (from C# Source Code)

E-Shop sample contains AaC and the Diagrams generated by C4InterFlow based on a fork of E-Shop sample .NET application

Architecture as Code (AaC)

AaC is generated from C# source code

Basket API Catalog API
E-Shop Sample - Basket Api - Component - C4 E-Shop Sample - Basket Api - Component - C4

E-Commerce Platform sample (from YAML AaC)

E-Commerce Platform sample contains Diagrams generated by C4InterFlow from Architecture as Code in YAML. It is based on a fictional E-Commerce Platform build using Microservices Architecture.

Architecture as Code (AaC)

E-Commerce Platform Sample - Container - C4

Internet Banking System sample (from YAML AaC)

Internet Banking System sample contains Diagrams generated by C4InterFlow from Architecture and Business Processes as Code in YAML. It is based on the samples provided in C4-PlantUML project.

Architecture as Code (AaC)

Business Process as Code (BPaC)

Internet Banking System Sample - Container - C4

TraderX sample (from YAML AaC)

TraderX sample contains YAML and JSON AaC and Diagrams generated by C4InterFlow from Architecture/Business Processes Catalogue in Excel. It is based on the samples provided in Fintech Open Source Foundation Labs - Architecture as Code repository.

Architecture and Business Processes Catalogue (Excel)

Architecture and Business Processes as Code

Internet Banking System Sample - Container - C4